The Grace Arsenal will strengthen your courage and help you find grace when the path is not clear.
As a young professional, I searched the behaviors and actions of others for anything I could learn in my quest to be a great leader. I quickly found a common theme in leaders for whom I had great respect - after witnessing a difficult meeting, or the handling of a challenging situation, I would often think, “she handled that difficult challenge with such ease,” or “I hope that one day I can grow to lead that well.”
The mysterious ability these leaders possessed soon became a bar by which I measured myself as a manager, a leader, and as a person. I started making notes about what great leadership looked like and what I could do to share more of it when I was the one handling the tough situations, or any situation for that matter. Over time, I’ve discovered that ability - that mystery element, that power for which I searched - is grace.
As my observation and learning about grace expanded, another common theme quickly emerged - courage. Those around me who managed with grace showed great courage to stay true to themselves and maintain their respect. Other, less graceful peers and I often took the easy path - the path away from grace. Further introspection taught me that when I was taking that easy path, it was most often driven by a deeper subconscious fear that I was suppressing.
That fear caused me to prioritize my goals over my values. It is my personal journey, my quest for grace, finding courage and overcoming fear that inspired The Grace Arsenal.
The Grace Arsenal incorporates many of my struggles to find and share grace illustrated in the story through two characters engaged in finding a better journey. Joe, the successful but developing manager, and his mentor, Steph, the accomplished business leader, wrestle and debate these challenges throughout a fascinating, mind-expanding journey, all the while creating a structure to help Joe — and ultimately, you, the reader — overcome the obstacles that prevent us from being the best versions of ourselves. The Grace Arsenal offers you and your team a set of tactical tools and common language that will help your team create a system of culturally conscious leadership habits to facilitate healthy, functional, and sustainable relationships.
The Grace Arsenal will reveal the behaviors and attitudes that signal fear-driven, self-destructive actions. Likewise, understanding your own feelings and behaviors through the lens of grace makes it possible to find that same grace or lack thereof in those around you.
In their journey, Steph explains and illustrates grace to Joe through architecture, science, economics, psychology, art, and history to find common ideas and messages that clarify how appreciating and sharing grace can change Joe’s life. In the end, The Grace Arsenal will do the same for you.
The mysterious ability these leaders possessed soon became a bar by which I measured myself as a manager, a leader, and as a person. I started making notes about what great leadership looked like and what I could do to share more of it when I was the one handling the tough situations, or any situation for that matter. Over time, I’ve discovered that ability - that mystery element, that power for which I searched - is grace.
As my observation and learning about grace expanded, another common theme quickly emerged - courage. Those around me who managed with grace showed great courage to stay true to themselves and maintain their respect. Other, less graceful peers and I often took the easy path - the path away from grace. Further introspection taught me that when I was taking that easy path, it was most often driven by a deeper subconscious fear that I was suppressing.
That fear caused me to prioritize my goals over my values. It is my personal journey, my quest for grace, finding courage and overcoming fear that inspired The Grace Arsenal.
The Grace Arsenal incorporates many of my struggles to find and share grace illustrated in the story through two characters engaged in finding a better journey. Joe, the successful but developing manager, and his mentor, Steph, the accomplished business leader, wrestle and debate these challenges throughout a fascinating, mind-expanding journey, all the while creating a structure to help Joe — and ultimately, you, the reader — overcome the obstacles that prevent us from being the best versions of ourselves. The Grace Arsenal offers you and your team a set of tactical tools and common language that will help your team create a system of culturally conscious leadership habits to facilitate healthy, functional, and sustainable relationships.
The Grace Arsenal will reveal the behaviors and attitudes that signal fear-driven, self-destructive actions. Likewise, understanding your own feelings and behaviors through the lens of grace makes it possible to find that same grace or lack thereof in those around you.
In their journey, Steph explains and illustrates grace to Joe through architecture, science, economics, psychology, art, and history to find common ideas and messages that clarify how appreciating and sharing grace can change Joe’s life. In the end, The Grace Arsenal will do the same for you.